13 April 2010

SilverStripe: Failed To Install Theme. Why Oh Why, Babe?

If you are a user of SilverStripe too, I bet you have ever meet this kind of problem. What is your version of SilverStripe? Version 2.3.6? Higher or lower? Is this related? I guess so.. This is what I read in their forum.
Okay. This is my turn to speak. I am using SilverStripe Version 2.3.7, although actually you can found the 2.4.0 but I don't know where the file is. And the theme is wine.
After you unpacked the contents of the zip file into the /themes directory in your SilverStripe installation, then change to the themename by putting your theme file in this code:
in your ./mysite/_config.php. I make a change to be like this:
After all you have to flush it by yourHOMEPAGEurl?flush=1.

Yes. Yes. You are right. It works with theme which released in this year. But how about wine and older?

10 April 2010

SilverStripe: Install Using WebPI. For Alternative Only.

SilverStripe. First time I read this word that refer to The Fourth of TOP Free CMS after Drupal, I thought about "what is it", "how to use", "is it likeable", "is it difficult", "did SilverStripe has enough modules for my project", "do I need a code skill like other proffesional IT", and "how to install" is the most important question in my mind. Well, you may need to know about this one: I am a newbie or beginner in this area.
According to Wikipedia, they describe a CMS as follows:
A Web Content Management System (WCM, WCMS or Web CMS) is content management system (CMS) software, implemented as a Web application, for creating and managing HTML content. It is used to manage and control a large, dynamic collection of Web material (HTML documents and their associated images). A WCMS facilitates content creation, content control, editing, and essential Web maintenance functions.
So take a moment and look the introduction of this CMS. SilverStripe CMS is a flexible open source Content Management System that gives everyone involved in a web project the tools I need to do my jobs. The templating language integrates with the database content, leaving me free to focus on my CSS/HTML. With using Sapphire as a framework for developer that helps me build powerfull website. What is Sapphire? Sapphire is an object-oriented PHP5 web framework designed to let me focus on my data and business logic, and to build standalone applications or extend my SilverStripe CMS-powered site.